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Email roisoleil@tciway.tc
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The Turks and Caicos Islands are somewhat unique in terms of Caribbean weather. In general, rainfall is far less than that which occurs on many other Caribbean Islands. This is both good and bad. The bad is that there is little in the way of natural fresh water sources with most potable water being derived from either large rain replenished cisterns or through desalination. This is not really an impediment but it does result in water being an expensive commodity if not used carefully. Another aspect of lower than typical rainfall is that the “tropical” and rain forest vegetation found on some other Islands are generally limited to human maintained pockets of the shore line. The Islands are by no means barren but do have a different distribution of plant life than is typically found in the Caribbean . Rest assured there is a wide variety of exotic plants ranging from the rugged and widely dispersed bougainvillea to a variety of Orchids, some of which are unique to the Turks and Caicos Islands. Various palm and other large tropical tress are found throughout the developed areas, many of which have been planted and do quite well without maintenance. The good aspect of little rainfall is that the mosquito population is quite low, with daytime insects almost never found except in some of the Mangrove and Salina shores.
The white that is visible in the water as you fly into Provo looks like chunks of ice from ice burgs but it is not ice - although you might tell the unsuspecting that it is. There is no snow here.....Ever.
The rainfall pattern is rather constant with no clearly defined rainy season. Rainfall averages show more rainfall September through November but this coincides with hurricane season. One hurricane greatly affects the average and if one excludes this , the monthly rainfall average is fairly constant all year round. This effect is seem in a multi year average.
Normal rainfall usually occurs over short but very intense intervals. Rarely does it rain for more than a few minutes at a time and when it rains it is usually very localized, covering less than square mile, leaving only some very large puddles in its wake. Unlike some Villas, Roi Soleil landscaping prevents the accumulation of water so that there is no chance of having to walk through rain filled low spots to access the Villa amenities. There is the odd day where showers will persist on and off for a few hours but rarely does this occur. Aside from a tropical storm or hurricane, over a one week interval one is pretty well guaranteed to have at least 5 or 6 beautiful sunny days as a minimum – year round. On average Providenciales has 350 days of sunshine per year making it a safe vacation choice.
Because of this pattern, all restaurants in Providenciales have both indoor and outdoor dining, with the largest space typically being outdoor. Similarly, the Villas and resorts make maximum use of open air patios and walkways – covered sidewalks and cabana’s are not needed and therefore are rarely found anywhere on the Island.
The Turks and Caicos Islands and Providenciales in particular, maintain a remarkably stable temperature throughout the year. The average is 85 degrees. Day time highs result from solar heating and can reach into the high 90’s and night time lows rarely if ever go below the low 70’s. Peak sun occurs at about 2 PM - You may want to avoid strenuous activities between 2 and 4PM for this reason - it is very hot under the sun at this time period.
The large cold fronts that affect locations such a southern Florida never reach the Turks and Caicos so mid winter warmth is always a fact of life. Humidity on the Island is always high but with the constant breeze, it is not a hindrance. When researching a Villa to stay at always be sure to check the elevation and surrounding vegetation as non-elevated or heavily overgrown areas prevent the wind from reaching the Villa. This is one of the reasons that the higher elevation Villas are so sought after. The Turtle Tail south shore is well known for having a constant wind. In fact, for many times of the year, the use of air conditioning is not required at Villa Roi Soleil because of this. Average temperatures are:
Jan 80F/27C Hi 73F/22 Lo 2.5 to 3" rain
Feb 81F/27C Hi 73F22C Lo 1.5 to 2.5" rain
Mar 81F/27C Hi 73F22C Lo 1.5 to 2" rain
Apr 82F/28C Hi 74F/23C Lo 1.8 to 3.8" rain
May 83F/28C Hi 74F/24C Lo 3.5 to 3.8" rain
June 85F/29C Hi 77F/25C Lo 1.8 to 2.2" rain
Jul 86F/30C Hi 79F/26C Lo 1.8 to 2.2" rain
Aug 87F/31C Hi 80F/27C Lo 2.0 to 2.4" rain
Sept 88F/31C Hi 80F/27C Lo 3.5 to 4.2" rain
Oct 88F/31C Hi 80F/27C Lo 4.0 to 5.0" rain
Nov 86F/30C Hi 79F/26C Lo 4.5 to 5.2" rain
Dec 84F/29C Hi 76F/24 Lo 2.9 to 3.3" rain
One additional note is that even on the odd cool day where the temperature only reaches into the 70’s, the pool deck at the Villa is always warm all day owning to the brilliant white walls that concentrate the sun onto the deck area. Days such as these are far less enjoyable at most beach fronts on the Island , particularly the North side. This another reason why Villa Roi Soleil is different and has its name.
Hurricanes and tropical storms - Rental during hurricane Season
While it is impossible to predict the exact course of hurricanes, the Turks and Caicos is in an interesting location as far a hurricane tracks go. Hurricanes in general require warm open water to develop and grow. Through a combination of the ocean winds and the line of Caribbean Islands to the south, the Turks and Caicos is at a lower risk of direct hits from large hurricanes. The winds typically result in the hurricanes either traveling east or west of the Islands. If the hurricane track is such that is passes directly over the Islands, often the hurricane intensity is reduced prior to reaching the Islands due to the mountainous terrain of the upstream leeward Islands. There is no doubt that category 5 hurricanes have in the past affected the Turks and Caicos, but in general, the damage has been limited, and in the case of Providenciales where demanding building codes are strictly enforced, damage has been minor. Villa Roi Soleil has been through 5 major hurricanes with little damage. The Islands have an excellent emergency warning system in place and should one be visiting a Villa when a hurricane strikes, the most likely outcome is a loss of phone service and electricity should the residence not be equipped with a standby generator.
Villa Roi Soleil is safe and has withstood several hurricanes without damage and is equipped with an automatic generator backup that activates within seconds of a power interruption. In the most recent major hurricane (Irma 2017 Category 5), The villa was on continuous generator power for 1 month before island power was restored. During the one month of generator power, life continued as normal at the villa, even though the island overall was greatly affected due to the loss of power.
As a policy, if you are booked for a villa stay and a hurricane is heading towards the island, we will allow you to reschedule your trip to the villa at no additional cost. We will work with you to find a suitable replacement time.
Turks and Caicos Weather - Quick summary
In summary, where the Turks and Caicos weather differs from other Caribbean Islands is in its low annual rainfall and copious amount of sunshine which averages 350 sunny days a year. Due to its location and design the Villa has aptly been named Villa Roi Soleil which translates to Villa “Sun King ”. One visit and you will see why. Be prepared to dress for the sunshine and don't forget to bring the sunscreen for those days on the beach (or the pool).